“Eline weet als geen ander hoe energie in je voordeel of nadeel kan werken, maar ook hoe jij zelf in staat bent dit te beïnvloeden en zo tot je beste zelf te komen. Zij stemt haar methodiek echt af op waar jij in het leven staat en geeft je waardevolle handvatten om in de praktijk toe te passen. Je goed voelen hoeft helemaal niet zo ingewikkeld te zijn en Eline kan als geen ander daar samen met jou aan werken.”

Waardevol is een van de eerste woorden die bij mij naar boven schiet wanneer ik terugdenk aan mijn coaching traject met Eline. Ik heb in de afgelopen drie maanden onwijs veel over mezelf geleerd en ben in mijn eigen kracht komen te staan. Vanaf het begin kreeg ik meteen een fijne energie van Eline en merk je dat ze elke sessie op maat voor jouw aanpast en alle onderwerpen die aan bod komen flexibel oppakt. Ook buiten de sessies om staat ze altijd klaar en kan je bij haar terecht wanneer nodig. De aanpak die Eline gebruikt door te werken vanuit je kracht is iets waar ik in geloof dat het voor iedereen van waarde kan zijn. Van elke sessie kreeg ik steeds opnieuw veel energie en zat ik barstens vol nieuwe ideeën. Eline weet de juiste vragen te stellen die je op een andere manier aan het denken zetten en haar enthousiasme werkt aanstekelijk. Ik ben Eline super dankbaar voor de afgelopen maanden en zou het zonder twijfel zo weer doen.

“Wat is het prettig samenwerken met Eline als lifecoach! Voor mij is vooral prettig dat zij authentiek is en vanuit het gevoel reflecteert en coacht. De manier waarop ze dat doet (mij in mijn kracht zetten en mij te leren hoe ik mijn innerlijke saboteurs te lijf kan gaan) werkt voor mij erg prettig. Ze staat erg open voor feedback en ik ervaar haar als iemand met kennis van zaken; ze heeft een scala aan tools en methodieken en stemt die op jou persoonlijk af, ze levert echt maatwerk. Dat doet ze met passie maar ook met compassie, een lifecoach naar mijn hart! Thx Eline.”

“Eline weet je op een hele dynamische interactieve manier te helpen om tot de kern te komen. Bijna spelenderwijs en daardoor laat je je remmen/reserves veel makkelijker gaan, waardoor je dieper tot jezelf komt en eerlijker naar dingen kijkt.”

“My mom reached out to Eline because I was having anxiety attacks that were disrupting my everyday life and causing me to want to avoid the simplest of pleasures, like buying a cup of coffee in fear I would not be able to complete the transaction without severe anxiety. In the 3 months I worked with Eline, she gave me tools and techniques that I could implement right away to create space and the ability to honor myself and not respond to the fears of my egoic self. She also helped me befriend and meet my future self to know for myself that everything turns out okay and I don’t have to figure it all out, because I do and it might not look anything like my life does now and that’s okay. It’s all good. Meeting my true self with the guidance of Eline also helped me figure out a lot of my career path and where I may be heading in that direction. Now I can trust myself to enjoy the simplest of pleasures and the big life joys as I get to create them and make them happen. Happy shifting.”

“Eline showed me a broader perspective upon the path that I am following and to act upon inspiration. That path often seems very chaotic and not logical to me. Due to the course I have learnt to embrace that as part of the unfolding experience of life. It is now clear to me that everything is here to help you in the transition from an ego to soul-based living. I can’t say that being coached by Eline is always fun. After those three months, you won’t become this enlightened person that has it all figured out. Being coached doesn’t just come with glitters, chocolate and flowers. The more you realize what is possible, the more discrepancies will arise in yourself. In those three months I have experienced edges of my ego and dark parts within me. The coaching will not help you to get rid of those, to fix a part of yourself you reject. I appreciated the fact that the course is rather about learning about the laws of the universe and how to act upon those in all sorts of situations. Eline’s creative and direct approach to coaching was very ‘close to life’. We have worked through daily situations, personal puzzles and moments of emotion in order to understand how I can align myself with the laws of our universe. It is this skill that Eline has taught me and gave me so much joy and clarity after the course as well. Although still learning to find my way in it, I feel more sharpened and defined now I have learned what alignment is. The coaching was a kick-start to unravel the depth of being within myself. Therefore, in this age of exploring the spiritual dimension in yourself, I highly recommend to work together with a coach as Eline. Expect expansion within yourself.”

“I worked with Eline on a specific business challenge I was facing as a Managing Director of an SME. Dealing with the classic push-pull of driving a successful business, creating thought leadership and balancing the passionate energy I have for the subject of resilience, health and wellbeing with the personal need to maintain balance and walk the talk was creating some disconnect. Through an accelerated coaching programme we were able to identify at least 3 practical strategies that I can use on a daily basis to support me in this endeavor. The difference between a good coach and a great coach is the end result and I am delighted with the outcome of the programme. Eline balances warmth and openness with challenge, fun and direction, she is a powerful coach and gets results fast in an ethical unhurried and enabling way.

“Eline is warm, intuitive, creative, sharp, honest and straight forward in her coaching and has helped me in a very concrete way to change my mindset and perspective on how to deal with a troubling life issue.”

“The coaching sessions really gave me the strength to make certain decisions. She does not make the decisions for you but helps you get to the core. You feel comfortable talking to her and feel that you can do things without being rushed. She is a coach that lets you be you and will ask the right questions. For me the experience has been very helpful, probably for the rest of my life.”

“I didn’t know Eline personally at first and was a little suspicious how coaching could work – in a language which is not my first language and via phone. How could she interpret my reaction or my feelings? But astonishingly, it really works. During our sample session she convinced me by asking me the absolute right questions, meeting the point and giving me so many remarks to think about. She managed to get me up and implement the things which are important to me and makes me leave my comfort zone. I took decisions I haven´t been able to take for the past 10 yearsfeeling good and proud about my results.”